NICEVILLE, FL– Northwest Florida State College is not only celebrating the beginning of a new semester, but the college is also reporting an increase of 9% in year-over-year spring enrollment. This increase is the college’s second consecutive semester of enrollment growth after a six-year decline.

“Exciting things are happening at Northwest Florida State College,” said Dr. Devin Stephenson, President, NWF State College. “This increase demonstrates an outstanding effort by our team to serve our students. Through improved processes and the addition of new programming, I am confident and excited about the future of NWF State College.”

Stephenson also noted an expedited admission process, the implementation of Degree Works software that provides students with clearer pathways to degree completion, and improved class schedule offerings to better meet the needs of students as factors contributing to the enrollment increase.

There is still time to enroll for spring semester or mini-term courses. Please contact the NWF State College Admissions Department for more details, [email protected] or (850) 729-6683.

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