NICEVILLE, FL- On Wednesday, February 21, NWF State College President’s Circle members were recognized at center court of the Raider Arena before the start of the last home men’s basketball game. This year, 62 members and their families were recognized as the largest President’s Circle the NWF Foundation has had since the inception of the program.

Members of the President’s Circle are committed to the future of higher education in our community. Through their contributions and membership in this program, President’s Circle members demonstrate their commitment to improving lives at Northwest Florida State College. President’s Circle gifts provide the college the flexibility to use the funds where they are needed most – for program support, instructional needs, support to the Foundation, and many other crucial expenses that benefit NWF State College students. The President’s Circle has provided $31,000 in unrestricted gifts this year. These gifts have been used for scholarships as well as to create a student emergency fund.

The 2018 Northwest Florida State College President’s Circle includes Shane Abbott, Ajax Building Corporation – Amy Bitterling, Cole Allen, Anchors, Foster & Grimsley, P.A. – Katherine and Jeff McInnis, Pauline Anderson, Charlotte and Bo Arnold, Eileen Arpke, Jean and Wendell Barbour, Scott Behrens, Brad Blalock, Anthony Boyer, Ira Mae and Gaius Bruce, Bethany Burke and Martin Owen, Susan and Wayne Campbell, Jack Capra, Trecia and Robert ‘ChedBob’ Chedister, CHELCO – Patty and Steve Wolfrom, Tracy and Lamar Conerly, Lauri and David Corkum, Julie and Byron Cotton, DAG Architects – William Floyd, David Costa Enterprises – Jennifer and David Costa, James Durham, Audrey Edwards, Sam and Larry Fincher, Paige Floyd-Hart and Kyle Hart, Charlotte Flynt, Deborah and Troy Fontaine, Jenny and Ross Hamilton, Nancy and Chad Hamilton, Patricia and Richard Harp, Stacy and William Head, Patricia Hollarn, Sasha and Steven Jarrell, Cristie and Arthur Kedroski, Don Litke, Michael Lucchesi, Lois and Mauri Lunderman, Roberta Mackey, Magnolia Grill – Peggy and Tom Rice, Beth and Mitch Mongell, Venita and Robert Morell, Nancy Murphy, Laura and J.D. Peacock, Kimberly and Brian Pennington, Stephanie Pettis, Ruth and Eddie Phillips, Melissa and Terry Pilcher, Raytheon – Bonnie and Steve Wills, Carla and Richard Reinlie, Sharon and Donald Richardson, Victoria and James Richburg, Kathy and Jene Robinson, Meagan and Ramsey Ross, Ann and Dennis Sherwood, Wanda and Stanley Siefke, Nathanial Slaton, Anne and Burle Southard, Judy and Devin Stephenson, Aimee and Tom Watts, Maria and Randy White, and Jerry Williams.

The President’s Circle is open to any individual or organization contributing an unrestricted, minimum gift of $500 annually. Membership perks include a distinguished lapel pin, recognition on the NWF website and in other publications, newsletter subscription and VIP invitations to special college-sponsored events.  The membership form is available online or in our office. For more information, please call the NWF State College Foundation at (850) 729-5357 or visit our website at

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