March 29, 2018
NICEVILLE, FL– The Eglin Air Force Association (AFA) Chapter 365 presented Northwest Florida State College with a gift of $25,000 to establish AFA’s fifth scholarship endowment at the College. The endowment, named after Col. Robert E. Patterson and Shirley Pigott, will support aerospace education. The Eglin AFA Aerospace Education Foundation selected Col. Patterson and Ms. Pigott because of their unique and lasting contributions to the Air Force and its mission.
The Eglin Air Force Association Bob Patterson/Shirley Pigott Scholarship will provide assistance to a graduating senior at Niceville, Choctawhatchee, Fort Walton Beach, Crestview or Walton Senior High Schools. The recipient must be enrolled in a field of study that supports Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) objectives of advancement of scientific, mathematical or technological knowledge or enrolled in a vocational field of study that directly supports the Air Force mission.
“The immense support that NWF State College receives from our partnership with Eglin AFA cannot be understated,” said Dr. Devin Stephenson, President. “This newly created endowment will guarantee that future NWF State students will be able to learn relevant and valuable skills in an area that relies so heavily on the aerospace industry.”
For more information regarding this endowment or partnership opportunities please call the NWF State College Foundation office at 850-729-5357.
Pictured (L-R): Colleen Smith, VP Community Partners Eglin AFA; Candace Lovell, President Eglin AFA; Shirley Pigott, Secretary Eglin AFA; Carla Reinlie, Associate Director, College Advancement; Dr. Devin Stephenson, NWF President; Cristie Kedroski, Vice President, College Advancement.