March 29, 2018
NICEVILLE, FL– NWF State College Department of Nursing is pleased to announce that they will begin offering the Associate of Science in Nursing program with a spring semester start date in addition to fall semester start dates. In previous years, this program has only admitted new students during the fall terms.
“The overwhelming success of our nursing program at NWF State College is evident through our exam pass rates, job placement, and applicant waitlist numbers, just to name a few” said Dr. Devin Stephenson, President. “The growth of our nursing program, coupled with the overall growth of the College, signifies that we can continue to serve as a major economic engine for our communities and continue to produce quality graduates.”
“The nursing program is growing and thriving, said Dr. Charlotte Kuss, Director of Nursing. “In response to the community’s increasing need for nurses, we will be admitting students to the RN program twice a year. This will allow us to accept more students each year while keeping classes at the optimal size to meet students’ needs and promote success for every student.”
The application will be available on beginning on May 1, 2018. The application period for Spring 2019 will be from May 1, 2018 through June 1, 2018.
For more information on the NWF State College Nursing program, please contact Kathy McNair, Nursing Instructional Support Specialist, at 850-729-6400 or [email protected].