NICEVILLE- The Mattie Kelly Arts Center hosted an Usher and Docent Appreciation Night on April 10 at the Mattie Kelly Arts Center to honor and thank all of their generous volunteers. At the event, the ushers presented two NWF State College student scholarships of $1,000 each.

“We greatly appreciate the support of our generous donors like the Mattie Kelly Arts Center ushers and docents. Not only do they welcome and assist our guests on campus, but they also give back to our students,” says Dr. Devin Stephenson, President. “Scholarships such as these make a huge difference in the lives of our students, making it possible for them to focus on their studies, rather than how they are going to pay for college.”

Ushers & Docents

The Mattie Kelly Arts Center Ushers and Docents pose during an Usher and Docent Appreciation Night on April 10.

The ushers give an annual scholarship to a NWF State student. This year, these ushers raised more money and were able to provide two scholarships. This year’s scholarship recipients are Ariana & Azhia Ellis (Fort Walton Beach).

“We could not do what we do without our ushers and docents,” says Mattie Kelly Arts Center Director Jeanette Shires. “We are so grateful that they choose to volunteer their time at the Mattie Kelly Arts Center.”

For more information about the Mattie Kelly Arts Center, contact Jeanette Shires, Director, at [email protected] or 850-729-6004.


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