NICEVILLE, FL– In a unanimous decision, the Northwest Florida State College’s Board of Trustees voted to approve the college’s budget for the 2018-2019 academic year with no increases to tuition or fees.

“NWF State College remains committed to quality educational programs and services, and we want to help make education an achievable and affordable goal for all interested students,” said Brian Pennington, Chairman, NWF State Board of Trustees. “College leadership will continue to make every effort to reduce the toll that expenses may play in a student’s desire to attend college.”

Students will also see financial relief from the elimination of Parking and Graduation fees.

The Board of Trustees also celebrated a continued increase in college enrollment and applications in relation to June 2017 numbers. The college reported a 1% increase for fall semester 2017, and a 6% increase for spring semester 2018.  The college also reported a record number of Kids on Campus participants with over 400 in the first session alone. Projections for fall enrollment are also high with a 13% increase in applications for fall semester 2018.

“We could not be more pleased with the progress we are making at Northwest Florida State College,” said Dr. Devin Stephenson, President. “We remain steadfast in our goal to be the best college in the nation, and to greatly impact our region by providing the education and training needed to improve quality of life and quality of place in Northwest Florida.”

In other business, the board elected Brian Pennington to serve as Chairman of the Board and Major General Thomas “Rudy” Wright, USAF Retired to serve as Vice-Chairman.

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