Photo: (L-R, back row) Buddy Starling, Troy University Senior Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management; Cole Allen, NWFSC Chief Information Officer; Dr. Nate Slaton, NWFSC VP of Student Success; Julie Schrodt, NWFSC Executive Assistant to the President and Dean Allen, NWFSC Interim Dean of Liberal Arts & Transfer Programs. (L-R, front row) Vickie Miles, Troy University Registrar; Alicia Bookout, Troy University Director of Florida/Texas District; Dr. John Schmidt, Troy University Senior Vice Chancellor of Student Services & Administration; Dr. Deborah Kish, NWFSC VP of Academic Affairs; Pauline Anderson; NWFSC Dean of Institutional Research, Effectiveness, Analysis & Planning and Cristie Kedroski, NWFSC VP of College Advancement. (L-R, seated) Dr. Jack Hawkins, Jr., Troy University Chancellor and Dr. Devin Stephenson, NWFSC President.

NICEVILLE, FL– On November 15, 2019, Northwest Florida State College hosted a ceremonial memorandum of understanding signing with Troy University to celebrate a new agreement for students transferring to Troy University. The agreement went into effect July 12, 2019 and allows for NWFSC students and employees to receive a 10% tuition scholarship and waived application fees when transferring to Troy University on top of the preexisting articulation agreement that ensures student success.

“We are thrilled to have Troy University as yet another outstanding partner institution,” said NWFSC President Dr. Devin Stephenson. “This partnership will not only benefit our students, but employees as well, and will continue to foster Northwest Florida State College’s already strong relationship with Troy.”

Troy University Chancellor Dr. Jack Hawkins, Jr. summarized the value of the partnership by quoting famous Alabama author and political activist Helen Keller with “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

Individuals wanting additional information on the NWFSC/Troy partnership may contact Bree Durham, NWFSC associate registrar, at 850-729-6018 or [email protected] or Amber Carnathan, Troy University-Fort Walton Beach, at [email protected] or 334-672-1856.

Northwest Florida State College now has nine articulation agreements with eight colleges and universities. This is the second articulation agreement NWFSC has signed with Troy University.

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