November 12, 2020
On average, Northwest Florida State College graduates accumulate only $4,668 in federal loan debt, according to the 2018 data used for U.S. News & World Report’s latest college rankings. The next closest regionally accredited college was Pensacola State College. Nationally, NWF State College ranks fourth for all Regional Colleges in least debt to students.
“As an open access institution, this distinction reaffirms our commitment to student success by removing financial barriers and providing affordable and high-quality education” said Dr. Devin Stephenson, president. “I am grateful for both our Board of Trustees, who for the seventh year in a row have kept NWFSC tuition and fees flat for students, and our faculty, who work hard in keeping the cost of textbooks down.”
There are numerous opportunities for students to qualify for financial aid – scholarships and grants – at NWFSC thanks to our supportive Foundation, community leaders and influencers who provide funding targeted at student success. The return on investment for a Northwest Florida State College degree is by far better than other sectors of higher education and outpaces other institutions in the panhandle whose student indebtedness reaches as high as $18,000.
For further information about scholarship opportunities, contact Dr. Aimee Watts, Executive Director of Financial Planning and Scholarships at 850-729-4957 or [email protected].