August 30, 2023
NWFSC Foundation Hosted its Annual Board Installation and Recognition Ceremony
NICEVILLE, Fla. – The Northwest Florida State College Foundation held its Annual Board Installation and Recognition Reception on Thursday, August 24, 2023, to welcome new Foundation directors, recognize new officers, thank outgoing directors, and highlight some of the Foundation’s many accomplishments within the last year.
Dr. Bo Arnold, 2022-23 Foundation Board Chair, recognized the Foundation’s six outgoing board members, Ken Wampler, president of Newman-Daily Resorts; JD Peacock, Okaloosa County Clerk of Court; Dave Jefferson, Michelle Freeman, Fleet & Smith, P.A.; Rhonda Skipper, Walton County Tax Collector; and Kim Kirby, Walton County School Board member.
Dr. Arnold presented Ken Wampler with the Chairman’s Award. This award is given to a Foundation Board member who has led by example and whose efforts have positively enhanced the organization. With more than 30 years of experience in the tourism industry, Mr. Wampler brought unique insight to the board. While serving on the Foundation Board, Mr. Wampler was an officer and part of the leadership that led us through the challenges of Covid, the selling of the College Courtyard Apartments, the selling of some of the Foundation’s timber property, and Ken was the Chairman when Chris Stowers was hired as the new Executive Director.
Dr. Arnold closed his remarks noting the Foundation closed its fiscal year having raised more than $1.23 million dollars. The proceeds of the Foundation’s endowed funds made possible more than $650,000 in awarded scholarships and almost $1.3 million in financial support given to Northwest Florida State College to enhance the programs and services of the institution. He also mentioned the Foundation’s vital role in providing financing for Raider Village, the new on-campus student housing project beginning this fall.
Mr. Alan Wood, the 2023-24 Foundation Chair, recognized Dr. Arnold’s service as Chairman and presented him with a crystal gavel. Mr. Wood introduced the newest members of the Foundation Board, Brig. Gen. USAF, Ret. Fran Hendricks, Tim McCool, Wendy McAdams Dorr, Zach McCluskey, and Neko Stubblefield. He then recognized the 2023-24 Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, Vice Chair, Jonathan Ochs; Treasurer, Cindy Frakes; Past Chair, Bo Arnold; Secretary, Chris Stowers; Executive Director of the Foundation; NWFSC President, Dr. Devin Stephenson; Trustee Liaison, Don Litke. Mr. Wood closed his remarks by looking to the future launch of a new campaign for Raider Athletics, expanding the President’s Circle program, and a focus on 100% board participation in annual fundraising stating that the collective efforts of everyone will be needed to reach these goals.
Northwest Florida State College President, Dr. Devin Stephenson, closed the program by encouraging the foundation board members to “harness the energies, talents, and the collective influence that the Board has at this important time in our history.” Further, Dr. Stephenson stated, “I believe we can weave effectively a narrative of transformation that generations will look back upon us and say, “that was a significant time in the institution’s history. A time when we will be looked upon, us in this room today, as people who committed to the greater good and selflessly worked to enlarge the College’s influence and create an even stronger foundation.”
For more information about the NWFSC Foundation, please visit NWFSC Foundation or contact Chris Stowers, Executive Director-Foundation, at (850) 729-5204 or [email protected].