Northwest Florida State College’s Associate of Science degrees prepare you for employment. Many are in high wage, high demand fields such as nursing, radiography, and computer science. NWFSC offers small classes, faculty who are experts in their fields and who have worked in business or industry, and low tuition. In fact, NWFSC students typically take out little to no student debt, so you can graduate and start putting your paycheck in your pocket! All 28 NWFSC A.S. programs transfer to Bachelor of Applied Science programs here and at any Florida state college, so you can continue your education if you choose. Consider NWFSC for your degree in a career-oriented field!



Architectural Design & Construction Technology

Business Administration

Computer Engineering Technology

Computer Information Technology

Computer Programming and Analysis

Criminal Justice Technology

Customer Relationship Management

Digital Media/Multimedia Technology

Drafting Design Technology

Early Childhood Education

Emergency Administration & Management

Emergency Medical Services

Engineering Technology

Graphics Technology

Health Services Management

Industrial Management Technology

Internet Services Technology

IT Security

Medical Coder/Biller

Music Production Technology

Network Systems Technology


Office Administration

Paralegal Studies


Sports, Fitness and Recreation Management

Theatre & Entertainment Technology
