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Keep Moving Forward with NWFSC Online

Top Quality, Low Cost

NWF Online combines Northwest Florida State College’s exceptional faculty and student-centered instruction with the accessibility and affordability of online learning. NWFSC offers top-quality, low-cost, open-enrollment courses and fully-online programs that are just a click away, with outstanding student support from on-boarding through program completion.

Quality Education, Right at Your Fingertips

NWFSC Campus combines affordability and accessibility, providing engaging online learning environments for students. Online courses are offered year-round in full 16-week terms and in 12-week and 8-week “fast-track” terms.

Resources for Current Students

Current students should visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for “how-to” information and general troubleshooting.

Questions and More Information

If you are interested in registering for online courses at NWFSC, you can email us at [email protected] or you can use the integrated live chat feature found in the bottom right corner of your browser window titled “Chat With Us.” If you are a current student and are in need of technical support, please email us at [email protected].

State Educational Requirements

Hybrid Experience

Hybrid courses are supplemented with online instruction and resources to allow for reduced seat time, combining the best of NWFSC’s traditional classrooms with the greater flexibility of the online learning environment.

“I enjoy being able to forge deeper learning connections with in-person lectures while having the flexibility to complete assignments at my convenience with hybrid classes.”

– Connor Kilroy, student

“The modality definitely leaves more time for me to implement active and engaged learning strategies. Typically, my courses are so content heavy that I don’t have time to use a lot of the strategies, but with a hybrid course, I can ‘flip my classroom’ and use the extra time for implementing a nice variety of the strategies.”

– Amy Hunt, associate professor