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    Faculty Fellows

    The Faculty Fellows Program aims to prepare and inspire faculty to develop and teach online courses that model best practices in the field of instructional technology and online education.

    Program Overview


    Candidates for Faculty Fellows must meet the following requirements:

    • Successfully complete the NWF Online Instructor Certification (OIC) Course
    • Teach or be scheduled to teach at least one NWF online course in the upcoming academic year.
    • Be a full-time faculty member or an adjunct with a recommendation from your Department Chair

    The Program:

    Participants will complete the following steps:

    • Complete the Faculty Fellows Orientation
    • Write a one-year individualized Online Teaching Plan to include course development goals.
    • Participate in at least four NWF Online training events (workshops, webinars, demonstrations).
    • Attend monthly individual or group course consultations with the CITL Instructional Designers to review progress
    • Submit a Faculty Fellows Final Thoughts document
    • Serve as a Faculty Fellow Mentor by assisting colleagues with online course design

    Program Benefits:

    • Extends beyond the basics in the OIC
    • Teaches implementation best practices in the online classroom
    • Presents ideas and opportunities for problem solving with colleagues in other disciplines
    • Fosters a better understanding of the online student population for addressing their needs
    • Prompts online course development with intuitive design that promotes student success
    • Encourages faculty to plan technology to suit the teaching, not vice versa
    • Inspires faculty to work toward creating online courses that are as engaging as face-to-face classes
    • Provides a special designation of Faculty Fellow for the next three years
    • Results in a one-time $500 stipend, pending SPD funding

    Program Timeline:

    • September: Submit application
    • October: Attend orientation
    • November: Write Teaching Plan.
    • January-April: Attend individual and group development meetings
    • Late April: Submit course for QDR review and Final Thoughts document

        Download an overview of the Faculty Fellows program here.


        Complete the Faculty Fellows Application by September 5, 2024, to be considered.

        Contact Madison Fleming for more information: (850) 678-5111 x6465 or [email protected]