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    AI Fellows

    The AI Fellows Program empowers faculty to lead the integration of AI into education. Fellows act as liaisons, facilitating the use of AI tools and methodologies in teaching and research. Through regular training and collaboration, Fellows ensure our institution benefits from cutting-edge practices, fostering continuous improvement and interdisciplinary collaboration.

    Program Overview


    Participants will complete the following requirements:

    • Complete the AI Fellows Orientation.
    • Attend at least 6 monthly meetings with the AI Fellows.
    • Participate in the CITL AI Competition (date and time TBA).
    • Present an “AI in Action” topic to faculty.
    • Attend at least 6 “AI In Action” presentations.
    • Serve as an AI Mentor for departmental colleagues.


    August 29 – Application deadline
    September 3 – Participant selection
    September 4 – AI Fellows Orientation

    October – April

    • Plan, present, and attend “AI in Action” presentations.
    • Attend monthly meetings with the AI Fellows.
    • Participate in the coordination of the AI Competition.


    • Professional Development: Enhance teaching effectiveness and research productivity through exposure to cutting-edge AI technologies and methodologies.
    • Career Advancement: Gain recognition as AI-literate educators and researchers, positioning themselves as leaders in their respective fields.
    • Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded colleagues, industry professionals, and AI experts to foster collaborations and stay informed about industry trends.
    • Access to Resources: Access a wealth of curated resources, tools, and support to facilitate the integration of AI into teaching and research activities.
    • Impact on Students: Empower students with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in an AI-driven world, preparing them for future career opportunities.
    • Stipend: Receive a $1,000 stipend upon completion of the program requirements.

    Download an overview of the AI Fellows program here.


    Complete the AI Fellows Application by August 29, 2024, to be considered.

    Candidates for AI Fellows must meet the following requirements:

    • Scheduled to teach at least one NWFSC course in the upcoming academic year
    • Full-time faculty status, or
    • Adjunct faculty status with a recommendation from your Department Chair

    Contact John Patten for more information: (850) 678-5111 x6171 or [email protected]