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    Teaching and Learning Resources

    Explore our curated collection of teaching and learning resources designed to inspire creativity, foster engagement, and enhance student success.

    Engagement Strategies and Tools



    The Narratives section of your portfolio is an opportunity to provide a reflective and detailed account of your teaching philosophy, achievements, and contributions to the college community. This section allows you to tell your professional story, offering insights into your instructional approach, professional development, and impact on students and colleagues.

    In the Narratives section, aim to provide a cohesive and compelling narrative that highlights your strengths and accomplishments as an educator. Be reflective and honest, offering specific examples and evidence to support your claims. This section should give reviewers a deep understanding of your professional journey, your commitment to excellence in teaching, and your contributions to the academic community.

    Writing a Narrative


    The Artifacts section of your portfolio is a crucial component when applying for a continuing contract. This section showcases tangible evidence of your teaching effectiveness, professional development, and contributions to the college community. Artifacts should be carefully selected to highlight your achievements, skills, and growth as an educator.

    Examples of Artifacts to Include:

    1. Course Materials
      • Syllabi
      • Lesson plans
      • Assignment prompts
      • Sample assessments and rubrics
    2. Student Work
      • Samples of graded student assignments (with names redacted)
      • Examples of student projects or presentations
    3. Professional Development
      • Certificates from workshops, seminars, and conferences attended
        • Did you know the CITL offers a Presenter Certificate for any instructor who presents at a faculty development training?
      • Documentation of completed training programs
    4. Teaching Evaluations
    5. Innovative Teaching Practices
      • Examples of technology integration
      • Description and evidence of flipped classroom activities or blended learning models
    6. Contributions to the College Community
      • Participation in committees or working groups
      • Mentorship programs
      • Community service or outreach programs
    7. Publications and Research
      • Articles published in academic journals
      • Research projects and findings
      • Conference presentations or posters
    8. Awards and Recognitions
      • Teaching awards or honors
      • Letters of commendation from colleagues or administrators

    By including a diverse range of artifacts, you provide a comprehensive view of your teaching philosophy, methods, and impact on students and the broader educational community. Be sure to organize this section logically and provide context for each artifact, explaining its significance and relevance to your professional growth and accomplishments.


    New Faculty (Fall 2024)

    New faculty will compile their portfolios using Canvas. CITL will provide access to a dedicated Canvas shell, with each module corresponding to a section of the portfolio. This structured approach ensures consistency and ease of use as you develop your portfolio.

    Returning Faculty

    Returning faculty already in the process of compiling their portfolios can also request a Canvas shell. Alternatively, you may continue using another format of your choice, such as Microsoft Word, Sway, or other preferred formats. This flexibility allows you to complete your portfolio in a manner that suits your existing workflow and preferences.

    Instructor Shared Innovations

    Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    Acknowledging AI’s profound impact on teaching and learning, the CITL is providing comprehensive training on AI and leading discussions on its implications for education. This initiative aims to foster reflection and dialogue among faculty, inspiring innovative integration of AI into teaching practices. Our emphasis is on creating student-centered learning environments that prepare students for success in an AI-driven world. See here for the news!

    Please help us enhance our AI initiatives by completing the following survey. Your valuable insights will help us tailor our offerings to meet your needs and interests effectively.
    Knowledge Repository: Articles, Books, and Blog Posts
    Learning Library: Videos and Tutorials
    • AI for Education Prompt Library
      Explore a range of prompts to assist with lesson planning and administrative tasks using Generative AI chatbots such as ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and Perplexity.
    • TEDx Talk: Why AI is the Catalyst We Need to Change Education Forever
      Dr. Sarah Rubinson Levy advocates for revamping our 200-year-old education system in response to AI’s transformative impact. She emphasizes student-centered learning environments that prepare students for success in an AI-driven world.

    Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)


    The QEP, Engage NWFSC, is a campus-wide endeavor that reimagines how the College can best serve today’s NWFSC student by focusing on faculty development and promoting active and engaged learning opportunities across all instructional methods. This project aims to positively influence student success and improve the student experience as the College becomes a more present, visible, and active partner in students’ paths toward academic success.


    Patrice A. Williams-Shuford, Ed.D.
    Director of Instructional Quality
    Bldg. 500, Office 107
    850.729.5298 ׀ [email protected]

    Heather Hartness, Ph.D.
    Faculty Development Coordinator
    Bldg. 500, Office 216
    850.729.6480 ׀ [email protected]

    Faculty Forum
    The 2024 NWFSC Fall Faculty Forum will take place over two days, with a reception, a department exhibition, and breakout sessions occurring on the afternoon of Day One. On the afternoon of Day Two, the QEP awards ceremony, along with additional breakout sessions, will take place.
    October 16, 2024; 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
    October 17, 2024;  2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
    The QEP Team invites proposals for the Fall Faculty Forum. By September 26, propose your 15-20 minute presentation covering a teaching strategy, assignment, or tool that you use to promote active and engaged learning in your classes.
    *Forms will be provided soon.*

    Quality Development and Review (QDR)


    Welcome to our Quality Development and Review initiative! We’re committed to upholding the highest standards of excellence in our courses. Learn more about how to have your course designated as quality or high quality, and explore the benefits of participating in our review process. Let’s collaborate to enhance the quality of education for our students.

    NWFSC Niceville Campus

    Instructional Design

    Need help designing your Canvas course? Our instructional design team is here to assist you in creating a course that is visually appealing, well-organized, and accessible to all students. Whether you need help with layout, multimedia integration, or accessibility features, we offer personalized support to enhance the learning experience.

    For course design questions or to consult with one of our instructional designers, please email [email protected].