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Faculty Development Events

Our mission is to empower educators with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their teaching roles. Here, you’ll find a comprehensive calendar of workshops, seminars, and programs designed to support your professional growth. Join us in fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation at our institution.


If you have an idea or topic for a faculty development session, please email your suggestion to [email protected].

New Faculty Series

Bldg. 500, Rm. 210

New faculty will be matched with a mentor and introduced to important topics essential for starting a successful academic year.

AI Roundtable

Bldg. 500, Rm. 210

Join the AI Fellows for a discussion that will inform their AI Acceptable Use Guidelines Workshop with the academic affairs department.

Portfolio Series: Letter of Intent

Bldg. 500, Rm. 210

Instructors up for Continuing Contract can attend this training to craft their letter of intent and learn the next steps in the Continuing Contract process.

Portfolio Series: Letter of Intent

Bldg. 500 Rm. 210

Instructors up for Continuing Contract can attend this training to craft their letter of intent and learn the next steps in the Continuing Contract process.