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Professor Connect

The Professor Connect Program aims to support the development of new faculty members by pairing them with experienced faculty mentors. Together, they will focus on setting and achieving a teaching goal using one of the QEP’s active and engaged learning strategies. This collaborative effort will enhance teaching practices and foster a supportive academic community.

Program Overview


Candidates for the Professor Connect program must meet the following requirements:

  • Mentors: Experienced faculty members with at least two years of teaching experience
  • Mentees: Faculty members with less than two years of teaching experience

Program Requirements:

Mentors are expected to:

  • Attend the Professor Connect Orientation
  • Engage in at least 4 new Faculty Series sessions (dates and times to be determined)
  • Choose a QEP active and engaged learning strategy
  • Develop and execute teaching plan utilizing the selected QEP learning strategy.
  • Attend a minimum of 3 faculty development sessions, in-person or virtual.
  • Serve as a mentor for their new faculty member by offering guidance on teaching strategies, addressing challenges, and sharing insights.
  • Prepare and present a brief overview of the outcomes and reflections from the experience to share with colleagues.

Program Benefits

  • Professional Development: Contribute to the success of new faculty and refine your own teaching practices.
  • Career Advancement: Mentors can assist with navigating the Continuing Contract Portfolio process, while simultaneously earning certificates that enhance their personal portfolios.
  • Networking Opportunities: Facilitate connections between faculty from different disciplines and departments, encouraging interdisciplinary research and collaborative teaching.
  • Community Building: Mentorship helps build a sense of community and collegiality among faculty members, enhancing collaboration and communication.
  • Impact on Students: Experienced mentors can offer feedback on teaching practices, helping faculty improve course design, delivery, and student engagement.



  • August 29 – Application deadline
  • September 3 – Mentor Match
  • September 9 – Complete Orientation

October – April:

  • Meet regularly with your mentee
  • Attend monthly meetings with the New Faculty Series
  • Create and implement a teaching plan that uses at least one QEP active and engaged learning strategy

Download an overview of the Professor Connect program here.


Complete the Professor Connect Application by August 29, 2024, to be considered.

Contact Shelby Lennon for more information: (850) 678-5111 x6761 or [email protected]