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    Quality Enhancement Plan     

    The QEP, Engage NWFSC, is a campus-wide endeavor that re-imagines how the College can best serve today’s NWFSC students by focusing on faculty development and promoting active and engaged learning opportunities across all instructional methods. This project aims to positively influence student success and improve the student experience as the College becomes a more present, visible, and active partner in students’ paths toward academic success.

    QEP Objectives

    Objective I: Increase the use of active learning strategies by faculty in Gen Ed core courses

    Objective II: Decrease the repeat rate in Gen Ed core courses by increasing student performance (increase ABC rate and decrease DFW rate)

    Objective III: Increase percentage of students meeting or exceeding Gen Ed SLOs targets


    Department: Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness (OIRE)

    Primary Contact: Dr. Williams-Shuford, Director of Instructional Quality

    Phone: 850-729-5298, ext. 5298

    Email: [email protected]

    Social Media Engagement
