Proctored exams for NWFSC students

NWFSC students who need to take a makeup exam and have permission from their professor to test in our testing center must register online at RegisterBlast. Tests must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.

The professor must be notified of the scheduled day and time once the student is registered for an exam.  It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the test is delivered to the Testing Center by test day. Students should allow for sufficient time to test, as indicated by their professor, in order to complete their exam prior to Test Center closing.

Test administrators strictly adhere to the professor’s instructions and deadline dates. Test administrators are not responsible for transferring classroom materials, homework assignments, projects, etc., from the students to professor and vice versa.

Faculty Resources

NWFSC faculty should submit a Faculty Proctor Form for students needing to complete an assignment in a proctored environment.

Faculty members may upload or manage test submissions by logging into RegisterBlast.


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